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Sunday, 8 April 2012

Here is a way you can preserve our environment and energy by using rechargeable batteries, rather than using plain disposable batteries that are harmful to our environment. So, by not using rechargeable batteries, not only do we end up spending more money but also end up polluting the environment.

Here is something that will surely catch your attention: You must have heard of rechargeable batteries which was released first in the 80’s and became a huge hit because it could be used over and over again. You must have heard of charging the batteries using electricity and power outlets and there are latest ones that use solar power for recharging. Well here is a USB AA rechargeable batteries. USBCELL AA batteries are standard rechargeable batteries but in order to recharge them you need to remove the top of the battery and plug them into the USB port. It takes about an hour to recharge it to 50%.


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