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Monday, 23 April 2012

Much as I like Google and Gmail, I'm not a fan of Google Plus.  I signed up to this new social network when it was first launched, but like many people I never really used it in earnest.  Facebook and Twitter are sufficient for my needs.  And since its makeover last week, Google have been sending me lots of emails in attempt to persuade me back to the GPlus service.
If you're in the same situation, then it's not difficult to close your Google Plus account while leaving all your other Google information (the search engine, Gmail, Picasa) intact.  Just sign into Google Plus, click the dropdown menu next to your picture in the top right hand corner, choose Account, and you'll see the necessary option.  Just make sure you tick the box to close your Google Plus account, and not your entire Google presence, unless that's really what you want to do.


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