Hotmail POP3 technology is available to Hotmail users in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, France, Japan, Spain, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. If you country is not in the list and want to access the Hotmail POP3 Access. Than you have to do some simple changes in your Hotmail Account to Access the POP3.
Go to Options>More Options in Hotmail, Select View and edit your personal information in your account and click on Registered Information. Edit those information so that they are in a country that currently supports Hotmail POP3. You can later change it back if POP3 support is added for your country as well. When you set up Hotmail in the e-mail program on your PC or mobile, you may be asked for the following information: POP server: (Port 995) POP SSL required? Yes User name: Your Windows Live ID, for example Password: The password you usually use to sign in to Hotmail or Windows Live SMTP server: (Port 25) Authentication required? Yes (this matches your POP username and password) TLS/SSL required? Yes

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